Monday, December 8, 2008

November and early December

Well, Miss Reagan celebrated her first Thanksgiving this year at her Granbonnie and Pops' house. She reached two big mile stones in a baby's life while on her visit there: her first sink bath and her first laugh.

Today she is three months old - My, how the time has flown by! She celebrated by sleeping through the night again. This time she lasted from 9:00 p.m. to 7:15 a.m. Is this something that we can count on? Let's hope so.

Since she doesn't have a 3 month doctor visit, I'm going to guess at how much she weighs....I'd say 13 1/2 lbs. Maybe I'll get Devin to stand with her on the scale later on tonight.

Reagan also attended her first Miss Va local pageant this weekend. Miss Greater Richmond will go down in the baby book as her first pageant experience. She didn't last all night unfortunately. Talents and clapping are a little scary when you're 3 months old. It was so sad.


VH said...

Adorable. I love how she went to her first pageant. Fabulous.

Sleeping through the night at 3 months? I am not an expert at this, but isn't that remarkably early? You are GOOD. I hope she keeps it up!

Becca said...

Was her first laugh from looking at her Uncle being silly?!?! j/k

Impressive that she is sleeping through the night...good job on that one. I always looked forward to my girls sleeping any stretch longer than 7 hours.

She is getting big fast, enjoy every moment!

Bon-Bon said...

It's so nice thus far that little Rea is a content baby. It's fun to hear her squeal and try to talk.