On August 30th, Devin, Reagan and I went in for my BIG ultrasound. I learned the last time not to convince myself one way or another what we were having. BUT, if I had to guess (again!) I would have guessed boy. Why? Beats me. That's only if I had to guess. I didn't
convince myself either way. And it's a good thing, because we are having girl #2. My reaction? Laughter. Devin is SO outnumbered! As it looks right now, numero dos will be making her entry into the world somewhere between January 18th and 25th. My guess? (maybe I shouldn't do that) I'd say she'll come closer to the 18th end of her week long due date. Think this one will look like me?
The next day, we woke up bright and early to embark in
Surgery 2011. My oh my. We made it through that rough first week and a half by hook or by crook. Devin had
arthrosurface on his right knee. (he'll need to do the left eventually, too) We found out on his post-op visit on Monday that they had to break a bone and then screw it back together. Poor guy. He is now the proud new owner of 4 screws and 3 implants! He had some NASTY bruising that is luckily making its way out. He won't be able to drive or put any weight on it for another month. Prayers are welcome. :-/
The evening of Devin's surgery, Reagan started a dance class at
The Little Gym down the street. It's an hour of fun, let me tell you. She does 15 minutes of tap, 15 minutes of ballet, 15 minutes of creative movement and 15 minutes of gymnastics. She LOVES it!! Her tiptoe walking really comes in handy in ballet class! Boy howdy! That girl is a NATURAL when it comes to staying up on her toes.
On September 8th, my little Rea Rea turned 3! How did that happen?! We celebrated by going to lunch at Red Robin, opening presents, having
Chick-Fil-A for dinner, getting our toes and nails done and adopting two new members of the family. Reagan is the proud new owner of 2 beta fish. A red one named Strawberry Shortcake and a blue one named Beach Ball. She named them all by herself! Believe it or not, they are still alive! I made a rainbow cake (hard to ice and so ugly on the outside!) that tasted pretty darn good. It was a great birthday!
On Tuesday (the 13th) Reagan started preschool. She has done such a great job! I have to admit, this morning I dropped her off in the carpool line instead of walking her to her room and got a little misty. She looked so little walking in there by herself. Don't worry, they have tons of aides and volunteers to make sure the kids get to where they need to go, but holy cow! Don't get me wrong, this is exciting and necessary. We are all happy about this next step into Independence. I just couldn't believe she was out the door and gone.
Her teacher is the mother of a boy I taught a few years ago. Small world! I just found out I'm going to be a co-room mom and am excited for the fun this year holds. Preschool is awesome!
This pregnant wife, mom, nurse, chauffeur, dresser, cook, pharmacist, laundress, maid, church volunteer and house builder is P.O.O.P.E.D.