Holy guacamole is right! I am embarrassed to say that it has been an ENTIRE year since I last updated my blog. I guess life has just gotten in the way and, for that, I'm sorry. At least I have kept up to date with Reagan's baby book.
Since it has been a year, Miss Rea Rea is no baby anymore! In fact, she's 18 months old! That means nursery! Since this time last year, she's walking, talking, singing, dancing and everything else you can think of. Some of her latest favs are: Arthur, (still) Elmo, the other Sesame Street characters, going for "walks" (anything outside), her silkie, Todd, Pee Pee (Winnie), drawing, and brushing her teeth. She loves to play with other kids and read LOTS of books before bed. She's sure to say "Amen!" after every prayer, too. If I had to guess, I'd say her vocabulary is up to 50 words or so. It seems like she says a new one every day. She knows some of her letters, but thinks she knows them all. She had her 18 month check up last week and weighed 23 lb.s 13 oz and was 33 inches tall. I take each measurement with a grain of salt because she wanted nothing to do with sitting or laying still.
I have been busy the past few months doing my duties as a Miss Virginia field director and the Glen Allen Ward Primary President. I'm learning as I go. I miss teaching some days, and really miss getting a pay check. That's ok...I wouldn't trade it. Pay checks can come later on. Reagan's childhood will fly by. I've also stayed involved by holding a monthly writing class and joining a book club.
Devin is uber busy with work. He opened his own office this past summer. He's slowly, but surely building up his business. Hopefully the day will come when things aren't as stressful, but that's how it goes. When we start traveling the world, you'll know we've made it.
This coming Monday I'm starting a fitness program: Mind, Body and Spirit with the hopes of developing healthy habits, dropping a few l-b's and gaining some energy. This is a 10 week program, so wish me luck. I'm participating with some women from church and I think we'll really bond and build each other up. If I'm successful, you can bet I'll be posting some pictures when the 10 weeks is up. To be honest, there's no way I can't be successful if I follow the program. This could be a real pick-me-up.
We had a CRAZY winter with TONS of snow here in Virginia. I *think* winter is finally leaving. I'll believe it when I see it.
On Saturday, Devin and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. It seems like forever ago that we said "I do" and I feel like I was just a baby when I look back at my 22 year old self. I guess I sort of was. (Don't worry, I know 28 isn't that far from 22)
It was a VERY busy weekend for me. I spent Thursday-Friday night in Newport and Roanoke, VA. First, Reagan and I visited relatives and then I (along with Mom and Dad) attended one of the many homecoming events for Miss America. ( We're proud of our Miss VA, Caressa Cameron, who won Miss America in January) I left the party and drove home in the rain by myself, missing the birth of a new cousin by just a few hours. :( Mom and Dad kept Reagan for the weekend while Devin and I celebrated our anniv. by going to a Primary breakfast, coaching church basketball and attending a friend's baptism. We did end the night with a great dinner of Brazilian food.
Just in time for St. Patrick's day, I traced one of the branches of my family tree to Ireland. I was SO excited to find this out since I had absolutely NO IDEA I had any Irish blood. It really makes me want to search even more. If you get a chance, watch the show Who Do You Think You Are? on NBC. It will no doubt inspire you. I have a personal goal to trace each branch back to arrival into the United States. I have a few to go. I do know that I have many generations of relatives native to America and, even better, Virginia.
Ok...that's it for now. I hope you feel a little more updated. I'll try to be better.