Friday, May 23, 2008

It's a Girl Thing!

I might as well start our daughter off right. Every girl needs cute shoes. And when they are so darn cheap, how can I resist? Here are two pairs that I picked up last weekend.

Also...I'm planning ahead. Summer things are out there, so next summer clothing is on my mind.

I'm home today with a gross cold, so here is how I'm spending my time between loads of laundry.

P.S. We bought a crib this week. I guess it is really real.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We're Having a Girl!

We are having a girl! I thought FOR SURE there was a little boy in there. How funny that the day I find out about our girl, I see this ADORABLE Target ad. I hope Winnie is ready for her close up. By the way, we have no idea what her name will be. This may take a while...

Pictures of Our Little Lady!

Here are a few of the ultrasound pictures we got yesterday. Of the three appointments, these are the worst set of pictures we've gotten. Oh well...they saw what they needed to see, right?! One is a semi-profile (she wouldn't sit still and cooperate), the other is her foot and the third is of her "lady parts." I'll just take the doctor's word that those are indeed lady parts...

She (the baby) may not be happy that her mother posted them online.

P.S. Either I am getting wider or shorter with this pregnancy. Sorry, just walked past a full-length mirror.